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By Jenna Hughes BSN,RN

Nurse Manager, New Hope Center

Are you considering the abortion pill? An unplanned pregnancy can cause a mix of emotions, making a major pregnancy decision difficult. You are not alone – and you have options.

One of your options is a medication abortion, or the abortion pill. Some women have been able to obtain the abortion pill online. Though ordering the abortion pill online seems like a private way to have an abortion, there are risks involved. You deserve to know the safety concerns of ordering the abortion pill online before making your decision.

How does the abortion pill work?

What exactly is the abortion pill? The abortion pill, also called medication abortion, involves taking two different drugs. The first, mifepristone, blocks the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, stopping the pregnancy from growing. The second drug, misoprostol, causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy.

What are the risks of the abortion pill?

You deserve to know the risks of medication abortion before you make your pregnancy decision.

Possible risks of medication abortion include:

  • Incomplete or failed abortion, which may need to be followed by a surgical abortion
  • Heavy or prolonged bleeding
  • Infection
  • Continuation of pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work

Possible side effects of medication abortion include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fever or chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache

Is buying the abortion pill online safe?

The FDA has set up safety regulations for ordering the abortion pill. The FDA warns against buying the abortion pill online, as doing so bypasses important safety protocols meant to protect you. Many abortion pill providers are overseas and do not follow FDA guidelines. Dangers of ordering the abortion pill online include:

  • Chemicals not verified or listed with risks/side effects
  • Dosage less effective than the normal abortion pill
  • Could be deadly or cause an incomplete abortion
  • Lack of physician oversight – causing incorrect use of the drugs or missed complications

Due to the serious risks and side effects of medication abortion, a qualified doctor should prescribe these pills, oversee the process, and provide follow-up. Ordering them online is just not the same.

What do I do now?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you deserve to know the risks and benefits of various choices so you can make your best choice. You have options.

First, you need to confirm your pregnancy with a lab grade pregnancy test, which we offer at New Hope Center at no cost to you. Next, you’ll need an ultrasound to confirm the viability of the pregnancy and determine how far along you are. An ultrasound is an important step in determining what options you are eligible. Many people don’t realize the abortion pill is only for women 10 weeks pregnant or less.

Schedule a free, confidential appointment with New Hope Center today at newhopecenter.com or 859-341-0766.We are here to equip and empower you to make the best informed decision for your health and future.

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