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When you’re unexpectedly pregnant, several things may go through your mind. You may already be thinking about your options. Perhaps you’re worried about how others will react. For some, telling their parents is the first thing on their list.

How do you tell your parents this news? Are you afraid of their reaction? First of all, remind yourself that this is your life and your pregnancy decision. Your parents can offer their input, but you’ll be the one to decide how to navigate this journey. We’ve outlined helpful tips below.

1. Think About When and Where You Want to Tell Them

    Remember that you don’t need to tell your parents right away. You’ll likely need time to process the news when you learn you’re pregnant. Don’t feel obligated to tell your family immediately, especially if the pregnancy was unplanned and you’d like to recover from the initial shock.

    When you feel ready, consider when and where you’d like to tell them. If you live with your parents, do you want to share the news in your home? Or would you prefer a more neutral location like a cafe or park? You will also want to think about the best time to tell them. If your parents are busy or stressed, tell them on a quiet day when they can give you their undivided attention. 

    2. Consider Bringing Someone

      Having a support person may be helpful, especially if you are worried about your parents’ reaction. Consider bringing a family member or friend along for moral support. You may find that their presence gives you some added comfort.

      3. Don’t Take Their Reactions Personally

        It can be easy to take your parents’ reactions personally when sharing your pregnancy news. Remember that their initial reaction may be shock, fear, or even anger. They could be worried about your well-being and wondering how you will cope with such a significant change.

        Try not to read too much into their reactions. Give them space and time to process the news on their own. 

        Before Making a Decision

        Before making a pregnancy decision, you’ll want to do a few things. Receive an obstetric ultrasound to confirm important pregnancy details and protect your health. This harmless scan will inform you about your pregnancy’s viability, gestational age, and location. New Hope Center offers free, limited obstetric ultrasounds

        You’ll also want to receive accurate options information to learn more about abortion, adoption, and parenting. Knowing your options will help you to make an informed decision. We offer options information at no cost to you.

        Learn More About Our Services

        Contact us today to schedule an appointment. New Hope Center is a medical facility offering free and confidential services to women facing unplanned pregnancies. We’re here to help you!

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