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Facing pressure from friends to choose abortion for your unplanned pregnancy can make your situation even more overwhelming. Even if your friends feel they are looking out for you, forcing someone into a decision is never okay.

Legally, you have the final say when making a pregnancy decision. Having uncomfortable conversations and setting boundaries is a difficult but necessary task.

New Hope Center provides confidential, nonjudgmental services to help you through every step of the pregnancy decision-making process. We’ll discuss your pregnancy options in a loving environment.

Keep reading to learn more about navigating pressure from friends. You can also schedule a free appointment to learn more about your options.

Evaluating Your True Feelings is Key

It can be tough to separate your true feelings from those of your friends if you haven’t had time to consider them. Amidst an unplanned pregnancy, loved ones find it easy to give their opinion and offer advice. However, taking some time to process your situation is crucial.

Asking yourself the following questions can help:

  • What are my feelings about this pregnancy?
  • Have I started reviewing my options?
  • Which option am I leaning toward right now? Which options do I want to learn more about?
  • How do I feel when my friends pressure me to choose abortion? How do I feel when I reflect on my situation by myself?

The decision you make affects your life and future. Feeling pressured into having an abortion means you can’t exercise full agency over a decision. Once you’ve identified your true feelings about your pregnancy options, it’s important to regroup and set new boundaries with your friends.

You Deserve to Make the Decision Yourself

Whether your friendships recently began or started years ago, navigating this decision can be nerve-wracking. Even if your friends intend to show they care, pressuring you into a decision isn’t supportive or loving.

Setting boundaries is a critical step. Though difficult, those conversations can help them learn how to support you (e.g., helping you grocery shop or scheduling fun activities). Reasserting your independence over the situation can also help you feel more in control as you learn your options.

Remember, if a friend doesn’t respect your boundaries and continues to pressure you, seeking help or keeping your distance is okay. Taking care of yourself is always the top priority.

When you’re looking for compassionate services and unbiased information, New Hope Center is here to help.

You’re Not Alone

New Hope Center provides free pregnancy options information to get your questions answered in a safe, reassuring environment. The decision is yours; we’ll supply the information.

Book an appointment today. Help is within reach.

New Hope Center does not provide or refer for abortions.

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