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Whether you’re considering abortion, placing your child for adoption, or parenting, you need an ultrasound. Ultrasounds are the best way to confirm key pregnancy details, identify conditions that may require medical treatment, and help you better understand your options.

What is an Ultrasound?

An ultrasound is a diagnostic tool used to look at internal structures of the body and identify certain conditions or diseases. In the case of an obstetric ultrasound, the scan produces an image of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes.

A sonographer or nurse may apply a gel to the area being examined, and they guide a device called a transducer over the body part (such as the abdomen). The transducer emits sound waves that produce an image on the screen.

For an obstetric ultrasound, you’ll have an abdominal ultrasound and a transvaginal ultrasound may be offered.

What an Ultrasound Reveals

An ultrasound reveals critical pregnancy information, including:

  • Viability: Up to 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, so you’ll want to see if the pregnancy is viable (growing normally and has a heartbeat). Miscarriages may need different medical treatment.
  • Gestational age: Knowing how far along you are is crucial, as this detail could impact your pregnancy options.
  • Location: A normal pregnancy is located in the uterus, but other conditions can occur. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants in another location, such as a fallopian tube. This condition is dangerous and cannot result in a viable pregnancy, so it must be treated. Abortion isn’t an option for miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy treatment.

New Hope Center provides free and confidential limited ultrasounds performed by an RN or sonographer. You’ll receive the information you need, and we can discuss your next steps with you during your appointment, including pregnancy options information.

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