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Making a pregnancy decision is something only you can do. No one can legally force you to have an abortion—you alone can decide what is best for your life. 

Knowing whether someone is pressuring you into an abortion can be difficult, especially if you trust them. However, you have support if you feel confused or uncertain about a partner, family member, or other loved one’s treatment.

Keep reading to learn some common signs you are being pressured into an abortion decision. You can also book a free and confidential appointment with New Hope Center. We’ll address your situation and help you learn about your options. 

What Signs Can You Look For?

It can be difficult to notice any pressure from a loved one, especially when you look to them for guidance. Others may, however, see a noticeable shift in someone’s behavior. 

These are some potential signs you are being pressured into an abortion.

1. Your partner, family member, etc., doesn’t want to discuss other options. 

    Maybe you’ve brought up a desire to parent or place your child for adoption, and a loved one immediately changes the subject. Or perhaps they keep circling back to abortion when you mention your pregnancy options. 

    This could be a sign (even a subtle one) that they are pressuring you.

    2. They talk about how they’d help you get an abortion. 

      Sometimes, a loved one will pressure someone into an abortion by offering to pay for the procedure and transportation fees (abortion is illegal in KY unless the woman’s life is in danger)  or even speak to someone together about scheduling an abortion. 

      This can be a common sign and isn’t limited to just your partner. They may feel that you don’t need to choose another option if they offer to pay for an abortion. 

      3. They often mention why they think an abortion is the best option.

        You may have noticed a loved one constantly bringing up abortion in your conversations. 

        They might talk about how you’ll save money or be able to continue your education if you have the procedure, but they aren’t willing to listen to your opinions or the research you’ve done on other options. 

        4. They intimidate or threaten you with violence or isolate you from family or friends. 

        Someone may use threats or intimidation to try to pressure you into having an abortion. For example, they may say you’ll be “cut off,” kicked out of your home, or they’ll end the relationship.

        These are all examples of trying to control the narrative and force you to make this decision. It is not loving or “in your best interest.”

        5. They don’t respect or listen to your wishes.

          This is another significant warning sign that you are being pressured into an abortion. If a loved one does not respect your wishes or listen to you when you tell them to stop, they are more concerned with forcing you into a decision than honoring your ability to make one yourself. 

          You deserve to make a pregnancy decision free from pressure. This is your life, and your decisions will affect you most.

          Your Next Steps

          Relationships can be complex, and noticing signs of pressure from a loved one can be difficult to navigate. 

          If you believe you are in an abusive situation, you deserve to feel safe, cared for, and respected. Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for 24/7 confidential support, information, and resources.

          Feeling pressured to have an abortion is never acceptable. Whether a loved one is concerned about your future or how a different pregnancy decision could impact them, you always get to decide.

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