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Sometimes, it can be pretty easy to conclude that you are pregnant, especially if you have symptoms. Other times, you may not have any symptoms other than a missed period. If you are unsure whether you are pregnant, the only way to know is to take a pregnancy test.

If you experience symptoms, you may have all or just a few. Here are the following signs of pregnancy to watch out for:

  • Missed period
  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Increased urination
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Bloating
  • Light spotting
  • Cramping
  • Constipation
  • Food aversions
  • Nasal congestion

You may have these symptoms for reasons other than pregnancy, so taking a pregnancy test is important when you think you may be pregnant. 

When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Pregnancy tests detect human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG. HCG is a hormone that rapidly builds in the woman’s body during early pregnancy. It can be detected by blood or urine-based tests, which are 99% accurate when used correctly.

It is best to take a pregnancy test about 2 to 3 weeks after sexual intercourse, though some at-home tests can detect pregnancy 10 days after conception. Taking the pregnancy test first thing in the morning is best because this is when your urine is most concentrated.

If you receive a negative result but aren’t sure if this is accurate, it is possible that you took the test too early. In that case, wait another week to take another pregnancy test.

I’m Pregnant. Now What?

If you’ve just learned you’re pregnant, this may be an exciting time for you. Or if this was unplanned, it could be a time of great stress.

Take a deep breath and remember that you are in control. You have the resources needed to learn about your pregnancy options. 

After confirming your pregnancy, you’ll want to have an obstetric ultrasound, which gives you key information about your pregnancy, such as viability, gestational age, and pregnancy location. You’ll need these details to confirm whether you have a viable pregnancy and don’t have medical conditions like ectopic pregnancy requiring further treatment.

Once you have had your ultrasound, you can start reviewing your pregnancy options. Options information is available at places like your local pregnancy resource center.

You have three options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Talking with a trusted professional and thinking through your options will help you to choose the one that is right for you.

Access Free, Confidential Services at New Hope Center

New Hope offers various services when you are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, including lab-quality pregnancy testslimited obstetric ultrasounds, and nonjudgmental options information. Our mentors are here to help you at every twist and turn of your journey.

To book an appointment, click here or call 859-341-0766. We’re here for you!

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