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Making an unplanned pregnancy decision is stressful for your partner, but you may feel the pressure as well. You might even decide together if you have a solid relationship with your partner.

Abortion is illegal in Kentucky, except for cases when a medical provider deems it necessary to save the woman’s life. This means that in most circumstances, your partner must travel out of state for an abortion procedure.

Continue reading to learn more about the considerations she should make. This is a serious decision and requires much thought.

Will Insurance Cover Costs?

In Kentucky, private insurance companies only cover abortion costs in cases of life endangerment. If you’ve purchased a plan under the Affordable Care Act, it will also only cover abortion under this circumstance. 

If you are a public employee, abortion is not covered in your insurance plan.

Is your partner registered under your insurance plan? If she isn’t, your plan won’t cover any abortion costs. If she chooses to seek an abortion in another state, she will pay for all out-of-pocket costs if her own insurance doesn’t cover the procedure.

Additional expenses include time taken off work, childcare, travel, lodging, emergency expenses, and follow-up care.

What Should Your Partner Do?

Once your partner has confirmed her pregnancy with a medical-grade pregnancy test, there are still several steps to take.

Having an ultrasound is essential. New Hope Center provides free, limited obstetric ultrasounds to those who aren’t under a doctor’s care. An RN or sonographer performs this scan.

Ultrasound determines the pregnancy’s viability, gestational age, and location. Your partner needs these details to make an informed decision, protect her health, and identify medical conditions requiring treatment.

New Hope Center also offers accurate information on pregnancy options. We’ll supply scientific information on abortion procedures and discuss both adoption and parenting. We provide free adoption agency referrals, parenting resources, and more. 

We don’t provide or refer for abortions, but we’re here to answer any questions you or your partner have. 

Free, Confidential Medical Services

New Hope Center is here for you and your partner during an unplanned pregnancy. You don’t have to face this challenge alone. 
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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