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If you’ve been hiding an unplanned pregnancy, chances are you’re feeling shame and discomfort about your situation. Whether you’ve been concealing it with baggy clothes or are still in your first trimester, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed about what your future holds. 

Perhaps you’re considering abortion. You may think abortion is an easy way to solve this problem and move forward. But it’s a major medical decision and requires thought. 

New Hope Center knows this is a challenging time, and you’re likely fearful. We’re here to help by providing free and confidential pregnancy options information and limited ultrasounds to confirm key details. You need the facts during a time like this. 

What Do I Know About My Pregnancy?

Before deciding on an abortion, you should receive an ultrasound. This scan will provide information about your pregnancy’s…

  • Viability: Is your pregnancy progressing, and does it have a heartbeat? As many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, which means your pregnancy has ended on its own.
    It’s crucial to check with a doctor if an ultrasound scan discovers a miscarriage to see if you need miscarriage management treatment.
  • Gestational age: Knowing how far along you are is crucial. For example, the FDA has approved the use of mifepristone (the first drug used in a medical abortion regimen) through 10 weeks gestation. 
    And if you do choose abortion, you’d need to travel out of state. Kentucky has banned all abortions except to save the woman’s life.
  • Location: A pregnancy should be located in the uterus. Sometimes, women experience ectopic pregnancies. 
    An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants in another location, such as a fallopian tube. This type of pregnancy isn’t viable and requires emergency treatment. 
    If you aren’t already under a doctor’s care and have received a positive pregnancy test, New Hope Center can offer this service to you. You’ll get the answers you need before making a decision. 

What Do I Know About Abortion?

Abortion is a complex decision, and multiple factors should be taken into consideration. Like any medical procedure, it has side effects and risks. These vary depending on the method you’re eligible for. 

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion uses two drugs–mifepristone and misoprostol–to end a pregnancy. Mifepristone blocks progesterone, and misoprostol causes uterine contractions that expel the pregnancy and related tissue from the body. 

Read more about the risks of the abortion pill. 

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion uses medications, surgical instruments, and/or suctioning to end a pregnancy. The further along you are, the more complicated this procedure can be. 

Read more about the risks of surgical abortion.

Considering Pregnancy Options?

When you’re already hiding your pregnancy, abortion may seem like a potential solution. However, it may take time to recover from a procedure, and you could experience complications. You may also have more support with an unexpected pregnancy than you realize. 

Before making a decision, visit New Hope Center. We’ll offer a limited ultrasound, provide abortion, adoption, and parenting information, and help you decide whether you want to share the news with loved ones. 

Don’t navigate this situation alone. Book a free and confidential appointment today to get answers. 

Know my state.
Know my options.