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Abortion may seem like the only decision you can make when facing an unplanned pregnancy. Facing this challenge can feel exhausting, but know you have the right to make an informed choice. 

If you choose abortion, know that it is illegal in Kentucky, with exceptions for life endangerment. Moreover, private insurance plans and those offered under the Affordable Care Act only cover abortion costs in cases of life endangerment. 

You would need to travel to other states for an abortion procedure and cover the costs yourself if these exceptions don’t apply to you. Consider additional expenses for travel, lodging, follow-up care, and lost wages. 

Do I Have Other Options?

Your two other pregnancy options are adoption and parenting. Without savings, these might seem impossible. But it’s crucial to understand the assistance available to you. New Hope Center will educate you on all your pregnancy options. 

Is Adoption the Best Choice?

If you’re concerned about finances, know you won’t pay for adoption-related services. Choosing adoption is a selfless, brave decision. You decide to provide your child with a safe, stable life. 

Adoption can create peace of mind for the birth parents. You can choose from open, semi-open, or closed adoption plans. Each plan allows a different level of contact with the adoptive family and privacy level. Rest assured, your child will be taken care of, and you’ll have the support you need. 

You may receive financial, material, and emotional support during and after pregnancy. Remember, no one can pressure you to make a specific decision. The choice is yours. 

New Hope Center can educate you on the adoption option and provide agency referrals. We’re here for you. 

How Can I Parent?

Does parenting seem unrealistic when you have financial concerns? Other people have been in similar positions. You may be more capable than you think.

Identify the specific worries you have about parenting. Do you have the money for food and clothing, or are you concerned about purchasing diapers, wipes, and a car seat? Depending on your income level, financial assistance may be available. 

Choosing parenting can be overwhelming. New Hope Center can discuss parenting with you and address your fears. We also provide parenting classes, material assistance, and ongoing mentoring services. 

Take heart in your abilities and thoughtfully consider your options. You deserve to make the best decision possible.

Here to Help You

New Hope Center offers free and confidential pregnancy services. We’re here to guide you in a loving, supportive environment. 
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Know my state.
Know my options.