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Sharing an intended pregnancy decision with your family may feel like one of the scariest moments of your life. If they already know about your pregnancy, they likely have their own concerns about your situation, which means they’ll also have opinions on the option you’re considering.

If your family is a safe source of support, speaking honestly about your intended decision can build trust. It can also shed light on the help they may provide if you choose an option like parenting or adoption.

Knowing where to begin with this conversation can be difficult, but you aren’t alone. New Hope Center provides free, confidential support for women facing unplanned pregnancies, and we’ll educate you on the risks, side effects, and possible implications of abortion.

Continue reading to learn more about how you can discuss your situation with loved ones.

1. Gather Pregnancy Information Beforehand

It helps to go into a conversation knowing everything you can about your pregnancy. Even if you’re considering abortion, you need an ultrasound to confirm essential pregnancy details and move forward.

We provide free, limited obstetric ultrasounds if you are not already under a doctor’s care. This scan confirms whether your pregnancy is viable (progressing and has a heartbeat), how far along you are, and where it is located.

You need this information to determine what abortion procedure you may be eligible for. In Kentucky, abortion is illegal (except in situations deemed to be life-threatening), so you’d have to travel out of state for the procedure.

An ultrasound can also determine whether you’ve experienced a miscarriage or have an ectopic pregnancy. The latter requires immediate medical treatment, as it can be life-threatening.

2. Review Your Options

You may be considering an abortion because you feel it’s the best solution for your unplanned pregnancy. Or perhaps you’ve felt pressured into choosing this option because your partner or loved ones think it’s best.

Remember, you alone have the right to make a pregnancy decision. And you deserve to understand all your options. We provide free and confidential information on abortion, adoption, and parenting.

You’ll never be pressured into making a specific decision, but we’ll ensure you have the information to weigh each option thoughtfully. Learning about all three possibilities is ideal before speaking with your family because it shows you’ve done your research.

3. Speak Honestly With Your Family

Having any discussion about your unplanned pregnancy can be nerve-wracking, especially if you have a decision in mind. However, speaking with those you trust can be essential to the decision-making process.

Select a time when your family can listen to you without distractions. This is a challenging situation, and you deserve to be heard. You can also choose a location where you feel more comfortable, as this can ease your nerves.

This is your pregnancy, but sharing your intended decision can help your family understand your circumstances and motivations for choosing this option. You may learn that they can provide more support than you expected if you choose parenting or adoption.

If you have a good relationship with your family, sharing your honest thoughts and feelings is healthy. It’s best to be direct and provide as much detail as you feel comfortable supplying.

Disagreements with those you love are natural, and gauging the level of support you’d have for an option like parenting can help you make a confident decision.

We’re Here For You

New Hope Center cares about your well-being and unique situation. We want you to know you aren’t alone.

We don’t provide or refer for abortions, but you’ll receive free, confidential pregnancy services that help you make an informed decision.

Book an appointment today to get started.

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